Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cool Internet Customer Support Concepts - web 2.0 style

Customer and Community support is a great thing. It can help generate buzz and fanatics for your site. It can answer people's questions. Here are some of the online resources and places I like for customer support.

getsatisfaction.com - a site where customers can help other customers answer questions. Essentially community supported faq's for your site. Cool huh?

4q - I have to admit, I would probably build this rather than share the data with a third party, but I have done this concept before and it works great. A simple survey for your site visitors can tell you a lot about customer perception and site health.

jing - free screen cap recording software, including full motion video so you can record an expert user on your site for others to watch.

Reviews - I know of two pretty cool review sites you can incorporate. Buzzilions and Bazaarvoice - Buzzillions is even free I believe (funded by referral fees).

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